Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Today it was 75 degrees in Texas- blue skies, warm sun, the works. My dear friend Sarah and I packed up Eli and her two boys, Titus and Rye, and headed to the Arboretum for a walk and a picnic. There was no more perfect way to spend the afternoon! Here is Eli in his stroller...

This afternoon I went to get my hair trimmed at one of those SuperCuts-type places. I haven't been to a place like that since I was in junior high and the girl gave me BANGS when bangs were not at all in style. I managed to stop the flow of my tears after several long days and have since then gone only to Jenna, the world's greatest stylist. But I just haven't been able to work it into my schedule to see her lately since she's kind of far away and only works 3 days a week. So, since I just needed a simple, straight-across, 1/2-inch trim (and when I say 'needed a trim,' I mean NEEDED A TRIM), I decided to face my fears and head to Pro Styles here in Mesquite. I circled the parking lot twice before I parked the truck and went inside. :) Here I am personally introduced to Shawn, my stylist, who proceeds to ask me about 301 questions about how exactly I want my hair cut. Seriously, how many ways can you say "trim?" Anyway, he trims up the back of my hair, hands me the mirror to check it out, and asks me if it looks okay. I tell him it looks great, and then he starts cleaning up. I look at myself in the mirror- back of the hair soaking wet and trimmed, front of the hair dry as a bone and untrimmed- and just laugh. "Um, Shawn?" I say, "I need the front trimmed too."

So if you need ALL of your hair trimmed, I wouldn't recommend Pro Styles in Mesquite. Especially since I paid $14.95 for a 7-minute hair cut. Next time I'm holding out for Jenna, no matter how bad my split ends get.

I was reading in Psalm 37 tonight and came across this verse, which I have read many times...

"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness." (3)

I love this verse- I love the idea of "cultivating faithfulness" in my life. But then I looked down at the footnote in my Bible and saw that "cultivate faithfulness" can be translated as "feed on His faithfulness." WOW! I was stunned. What a beautiful picture- God's faithfulness is all that I need to completely sustain me, to make me grow, to nourish me. How do I "dwell" in the situations in which God has placed me? By "feeding on his faithfulness." Lord, help me to feed on your faithfulness even today!

Finally, I am going to put myself out there middle-school-style. Will you follow my blog? (Circle yes or no.)

Seriously, I would love to know who is reading this blog, and "followers" seems like a good way to do it. So if you read this blog, would you click on the link to the right and become a "follower?" And please don't leave me hanging- my ego is on the line here. :)

Thanks for reading these random tidbits!


Tricia F said...

I love being a follower! :)