My dear, sweet Eli,
Today you are one year old. I have to admit that one year ago I couldn't even imagine watching you play in your birthday cake as your friends and family sang to you. One year ago you were 2# 13 oz. and 14 inches long. You were sick and tiny and had to have a machine to breathe for you. I couldn't hold you for 2 days. You spent 6 weeks in the hospital, fighting so hard to live, to grow, to come home.
And look at you now! At one year old, you are more than 15.5#, more than 26.5 inches tall, healthy, happy, strong, and full of energy. You are crawling, pulling up, cruising, standing, babbling, and learning so much every single day. You are perfect, Eli! Small but mighty, you remind us every day of just how amazing you are and of the great works God has done in your life.
God has truly been your salvation, Elisha Dane. He has carried you through some scary times this year, and He has never left us. You will always be the very clearest, most tangible reminder to your Daddy and me of God's faithfulness and power.
Do you have any idea how much we love you? You are our joy, Eli, the light of our lives. And we are so incredibly thankful and excited to celebrate your first birthday with you today.
Keep on amazing us, baby boy. We firmly believe that God has special, big plans for your life. We are honored to be your parents, and we couldn't love you more.
Happy birthday, my precious baby!
Park City Utah
2 years ago
Happy Birthday, Eli, and Congratulations, Erica -- what a celebration! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!
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