January FLEW by, and we are already more than half-way through February! Here is a smattering of pictures from the past month and a half...
New Year's Day is always celebrated with homemade Japanese food and games with Eric's family. I look forward to it all year!
Jonathan and Heather and Jacey and Cooper visited for Christmas. It was a great visit, and hard to say goodbye. I miss seeing these five all together most of all.
DRAGONS are all the rage right now! Eli spent a good chunk of his Christmas break playing with them. I love watching him and listening to the sound effects.
I love seeing this too. Though he be crazy, Hank is a really neat addition to our family.
Eli's class had "storybook character day," where they dressed up as a character from a book and then read the book to the class. The boys are in the picture below.
This is a bad picture, but moments like this are some of my favorite. I love looking out the window and seeing these two (Timothy and Eli) talking and laughing and playing together.
More from the "boy with dog" photo series...
We finished January with a Sidekicks game. Eli LOVES watching indoor soccer!
Last weekend we went camping with our good friends, the Ninos. The weather was mild and sunny, and we had a fantastic time!
The Wilson boys. :)
I like this picture. My favorite thing in the entire world is to hike around the lake at Daingerfield with my family.
This looks like an advertisement for Ulta. :) Ethan and Eli had a great time playing together.
My boy.
My boyS.
I love this picture of Eli laughing. He looks just like Eric.
The golden hour.
Eli LOVES "Baby Jacob" and spent much of the weekend entertaining him.
Our favorite spot in Texas!
And that wraps up January and half of February! :) Love to you!!
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