Thursday, January 9, 2025

December 2024

Alrighty...  here are some mixed up pictures from the last month of 2024!

The McDonalds came to visit after Christmas.  We love and miss them so much and are always so thankful to get to spend time with them.  Baby Theo was fascinated by Eli!

Cousins in Christmas pajamas...

Kelly and I got to go see Andrew Peterson's "Behold the Lamb" concert this month.  It was, as expected, so beautiful and meaningful.

Jumping forward to Christmas Eve...  after going to the church service, we spend the evening with the Heinzes, playing games and eating yummy food.  I love this tradition!

Back to the beginning of the month when Eric took me to the Meyerson for dinner and the symphony to celebrate my birthday...

The boys decorated their tree...

Elizabeth and Jacey and I went to see the Mesquite Symphony Orchestra's Christmas performance, which was great as always!

Our traditional "Christmas Adam" dinner- steaks and scallops!

This was on Christmas Eve before church...

And Christmas morning...

Back to the McDonalds' visit after Christmas- all the kiddos.  We have known and loved each of them since they were born!

The year wrapped up quietly and calmly with some time off and lots of time spent with family.  On New Year's Eve we played games and ate more yummy food with the family, but I didn't take any pictures.  It was a great ending to a great year, and we're so thankful for all of it.  Bring on 2025!