Thursday, February 27, 2025

January and February, 2025

Two months for the price of one!  I honestly don't have a lot of pictures from the past couple months, but here are a few...

We went to brunch at the Maple Leaf to belatedly celebrate my birthday, since Eric was sick when we had originally planned to celebrate.

We got a little snow in January- not enough to do much with, but enough to cancel school for a day, which is good enough for us!

Gratuitous cat picture...

Elizabeth and I took CJ and Eli to "Aggieland Saturday" so they could see what A&M has to offer.  We had a great time together!

Our Superbowl fare...

For Valentine's, we continued our tradition of making crepes together.

We had to cancel a little camping trip we had planned this month because the weather was awful, but we did get to spend a fun Saturday out together, which included lots of time for Eli in the sports card store.  :)  (Photo taken from my comfortable chair, where I read a book while he shopped.)

Eli bought a set of "throwing knives" and has been practicing in the back yard.

Eric and I went away last weekend to the Cooper Hotel, our favorite spot in Dallas.  We walked around White Rock Lake on Saturday.

And more walking at the Cooper...

Now on to SPRING!  Much love!