Spring has FLOWN by! Here are a few pictures from our April (out of order, as always :) )...
Easter egg dyeing:
Easter egg hunting:
Easter morning:
The boys went on a long weekend camping trip to Beaver's Bend at the beginning of the month.
They caught a stringer full of trout, which they came home and cooked and ate!
A highlight of every spring is camping at Daingerfield with the entire family.
We hiked...
And swam...
And did a LOT of fishing...
The boys kayaked...
And, as portrayed so well by Hank, we ATE! :)
The boys played football in the field...
More hiking...
And more swimming...
More eating! :)
And more fishing...
And this was how we all felt at the end of our 5-day trip. :) We had a blast and so enjoyed being outside in one of our favorite places in Texas together!
That wraps up our April! :)