Thursday, August 29, 2024

August 2024

 Short and sweet for August!  This has been a busy month as we transitioned back into the school routine, but apparently not a lot of picture-worthy moments.  

First day of ELEVENTH grade!  

Eric and I got to celebrate our friend Kate's 50th birthday at her lovely party.

He hated taking this picture, but here's Eli before his first solo drive!  :)

And that wraps up August!  :)  LOVE to you!

Friday, August 2, 2024

July 2024

 How is it already August?!  The summer has flown by.  Here are a few pictures from July, out of order as always!  :)

Heather and Michael got married at the end of this month!  It was a BEAUTIFUL wedding, a true celebration of God's faithfulness.  

Here we are all dressed up!

Eli passed his driving test this month.  We celebrated with Hawaiian food.

Before Heather's wedding, we had a little "bachelorette dinner" for her at Mariano's.  It was a super fun and meaningful evening.

All the way back to the 4th of July and backyard fireworks...

The youth group went on a missions trip to south Texas this month.  Eli had a great time and really learned and grew.  We are so proud of of these kids for all their hard work and service.

Back to the wedding... 

And back to the 4th of July...

My parents bought the kids tickets to "I-Fly"- an indoor skydiving place.  It was fun to watch!

More wedding...


It's official- we have a licensed 16 year-old driver!

The youth group got to spend a day at South Padre after their missions trip.

And that concludes July!  Here we go into August and 11th grade... Love to you all!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

June 2024

 June was a full and fun month!  As always, these are out of order, but here we go anyway...

On Father's Day, we made pecan waffles for Eric after church.

At the beginning of the month, we took a trip to Beaver's Bend with Eric's family, and CJ came along with us.  We had a great time all together!

The house we stayed in had a private basketball/pickleball court, so we played a lot of basketball and pickleball.

The boys did lots of fishing, of course.

The house also had a really fun game room.  The boys played with these VR headsets quite a bit.  :)

We took a couple fun hikes.

We celebrated Eric's 52nd birthday!

This is back at home, pre-Beaver's Bend, celebrating Eric's birthday just the 3 of us.

And back at Beaver's Bend, more pickleball.  We did a tournament with the whole family, brackets and prizes and all!  It was a blast.

The whole gang.

This picture makes me laugh.  :)

At the end of the month, I got to spend a week in Maine with my dear grandparents!  It was such a meaningful, beautiful week that I will always treasure!

My waving shadow at the summit of a hike near their home.  :)

Moose Pond- gorgeous as always!

The beach after lobster rolls!

And that concludes June!  :)  LOVE to you!!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

May 2024

A few pictures from our May!

At the beginning of the month, the youth group went to Sky Ranch.  We had a blast and learned a lot; it was a memorable weekend for sure!

Eli turned SIXTEEN!  On his birthday, I took him to Cane's for lunch (his choice).

For dinner, he requested crab cakes!

The weekend after his birthday, we had CJ over to go out to dinner and spend the night, and then the next day they had a group of friends over to play airsoft and have Chic-Fil-A and cupcakes for their birthdays.  We have been celebrating CJ's and Eli's birthdays together since they were toddlers- we love this tradition, and we love their friendship!

More celebrating at my parents' house...

We couldn't love this boy more if we tried!  He is fun and funny, sincere and faithful, a hardworking servant, a loyal friend...  I could go on and on.  We loved celebrating this kid who has been a gift to us every day of his life.

We also celebrated the end of 10th grade!  Eli had a great year, and we're so thankful for Providence Academy.

And that wraps up our month!  LOVE to you!!