JUNE! I can't even believe it. It's so cliche to say, but time FLIES, especially with little kids. We are trying to soak up a whole lot of summer fun before school starts in August! Here are a few pictures of the last couple of weeks...
Eric had a birthday! My favorite part of all of it was seeing how excited Eli was to celebrate. We decorated the house and wrapped up Eric's gifts and made him his favorite dessert, and by the time Eric got home Eli was literally bouncing off the walls with excitement. I love it! And I love his excited face in this picture.
Peach ice cream at Hamm's Orchard.
Blackberry picking!
A friend to all animals, even the tiniest of bugs. He "made a home" for a bunch of rolly pollies (sp?) in his bug catcher and then first thing in the morning he went outside to set them free.
I love this ensemble. He has the tassel from his graduation hanging from his baseball cap. :)
Have a great day!
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